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Tips to maintain healthy eating habits during the holidays; From the Children’s Health Online Resource.  Here are a few suggestions to help you and your child enjoy the season in a health way:


  1. Keep normal eating patterns – During school breaks, it can be easy for your child’s routine to get off track.  If your child usually eats three meals a day and snacks, try to keep that schedule consistent.  Do not eat light throughout the day to binge on favorite holiday dishes.  Keeping your normal eating schedule helps keep hunger at bay and allows you time to enjoy your holiday favorites without overeating.
  2. Concentrate on portions – Keep portions small, eat slowly and pay attention to your body.  For many, the holidays are synonymous to overindulgence.  Remember to honor your fullness cues and stop eating when full, yet still feeling comfortable.  If you feel like you are about to burst, you have eaten too much.  See more ways to avoid overeating.
  3. Offer plenty of vegetables with holiday meals – Choosing high-fiber foods and more vegetable-based dishes can help reduce the number of calories you consume during the holidays.
  4. Capitalize on the food preparation process – The holidays can be the perfect time to include your kids in the preparations of their favorite dishes.  Having kids help with meal preparation can teach them about healthier substitutions.  For younger kids, you can have them set the table or help prepare salads.
  5. Take the time to organize family activity – Adding physical activity into your holiday is a good way to keep up healthy habits and enjoy quality time together as a family.  Plan a post-meal walk around the neighborhood or a visit to the park.