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Today, April 22, 2019, PCNC Joanne Imada and Officer John Ma made visits to our neighborhood homes to thank our neighbors for their understanding during drop off and pick up times.  We reassured our neighbors that we continue to remind our parents, or anyone who is responsible for picking up their children, to be mindful of not blocking driveways or blocking traffic.  Neighbors also suggested that pick up times be made after the dismissal bell so that drivers do not have to wait long for their children.

SCHOOL REQUEST:  To limit the congestion and the number of parked cars on our streets at pick-up time, if possible, please try to come to school a little after school is released so that your child will be there when you arrive and you won’t have to park and wait.  Please inform others, who are responsible for picking up your child, of this request.  Neighbors were also instructed to call 911 to report cars that are creating any unsafe situations.