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The NVMS Lego Robotics team has been working hard and will be qualifying for the State of Hawaii First Lego League Competition at the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall on Saturday, December 1, 2018.  Our students will be competing against 41 other public and private school teams from across the State of Hawaii!  This year’s theme is: Into Orbit.  The students identified a physical or social problem faced by humans during long duration space travel and developed an innovative solution to the problem…you’ll have to come and see their presentation to see what problem they selected and their innovative solution!

Here is some information if you are planning to attend the Lego Event:  The general public will be allowed into the Exhibit Hall starting at 9:30am and are allowed in the General Public area only.  The pit area is visible but only accessible by the team, coaches, and scouts.  Parking rates will be enforced at the NBC parking structure.  Robot matches are scheduled to begin at 12noon, assuming that each match is about 5 minutes total (set up, 2.5 minute match, scoring, transition, etc).  Approximate match times are as follows (subject to change):

  • Round 1 – Match 9 – Table 2 – approximate match time is 12:40pm
  • Round 2 – Match 20 – Table 5 – approximate match time is 1:35pm
  • Round 3 – Match 33 – Table 1 – approximate match time is 2:10pm (This is the last match of the entire event.  After this, we clean up the Exhibit Hall and await for the Awards Ceremony at 3:00pm.  The whole event should be done by 4:00pm).