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Message from Kalani’s 9th Grade Counselor:

Kalani’s summer school registration will be on Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8am through a google form (which you should be receiving shortly).

  • Kalani is NOT having 9th grade social studies.
  • The options for incoming ninth graders are PE9/PE10 or PE/Health.
  • If a student takes PE9/PE10 they will have Transition to High School and Health in their schedule.
  • If they take PE/Health, then they will have Transition to High School and PE.

Below are the links to the online charter schools that some students enroll in.  If a student takes social studies at one of these places, then they will have another elective in their schedule.  Some of our smaller learning communities have interdisciplinary units so those who take social studies during the summer face a certain challenge during that time.  There are a few elective choices left so taking social studies in the school year may be a more desirable option for some students.

Kalani’s Freshmen Transition Night is set for May 16, 2022, but the time has not been set.  It appears to be an in person event.  This is not a mandatory event but it is an informational event for both parents and students.  Since we haven’t had it in a couple years, I’m not sure how it will go, and I am not a part of the planning.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Andrew Higa, 9th Grade Counselor, 808-305-0522