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Did you know that anything you order on Amazon can result in a percentage donation to the Friends of Niu Valley?  The only additional step is to start off on this link:  Click on any item and then do your search of the product you would like to purchase.  Everything else is the same as how you would normally place an order.  Do your holiday shopping on this link and earn money for FNV at the same time!

Box Tops for Education:  We have a Box Tops Coordinator who has been industriously handling all the box tops that are sent in to the school  She will trim them, make sure they are not expired, and remit them to the Box Top for Education organization.  So if you have donated your box tops in the past – mahalo and keep them coming.  If you haven’t started, it’s not too late!!  Place them in a baggy and send them to the school office.  We will make sure it gets to the right people.