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As you navigate the challenges of having your child(ren) learn at home, if you haven’t done so already, a good place to start is to try to create a consistent learning space for your child(ren).  Does your child already have a special place to do homework?  It’s important to try to set up a quiet, clutter-free area, with minimal distractions.  For example, if you convert the kitchen table into a learning station, remove all snacks, salt and pepper, and other kitchen items when your child is doing schoolwork.  When it’s time to eat, put away the school supplies and use it again as a kitchen table.  Why it is important to clear away the clutter for learning time?  Reducing clutter helps children focus and minimizes distractions.

If possible, get your child involved in choosing a place to work.  Does your child work best sitting at the kitchen table or hunkered down on the floor in a bedroom?  Letting kids have a say in where to do their work may make them more likely to do the work.  You may have to try different work places before you settle on one that works best.