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The Smarter Balanced Website is a great resource for any testing questions and for testing practice.  Parents and students may review practice and training tests as guests on the website.  To do so:

  1. Visit the website
  2. Select Smarter Balance
  3. Enter the “Student and Families” section
  4. Enter the “Training & Practice Tests” section

From there, users have the ability to take practice tests in any of the subjects tested.  Practice Tests are useful for familiarizing students with test questions and Training Tests familiarize students with the test tools.  We encourage you to explore this opportunity to familiarize your child and yourself with the SBA tests before we begin testing as a school in April.  Please help your child prepare for testing by making sure they are well rested, eat breakfast, and come to school on time, and prepared with ear buds for testing.  Please contact the counselors with any questions regarding the Smarter Balanced Tests.